Papier- und Spielwarenhandel, Landesgremium

English version

Federal Association for the trade with paper goods and toys

Lesedauer: 1 Minute

Federal Association for the trade with paper goods and toys - Bundesgremium des Papier- und Spielwarenhandels - is the representation of over 4.000 companies and sole proprietorships, carrying one or more of the following business licences:

  • trade with paper goods
  • rade with toys

The Federal Association for the trade with paper goods and toys is part of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber which represents over 400.000 companies all over Austria by legal membership. As the voice of Austrian business, the Chamber is committed to forward-looking policies which benefit the economy e.g. tax relief, cutting red tape, subsidies.

The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber is not comparable to chambers in other countries because it constitutes – together with the Unions and the Chambers of Labour and Agriculture –the framework of the Austrian Social Partnership, a strong counterpart to the government.

The Chamber influences the legislative and administrative processes and has a strong position in taking care of the interests of the whole economy within Austria. It is also the formal Austrian body in charge of supporting the export business:

The Federal Association for the trade with paper goods and toys products has 9 regional trade groups (one in each province) which are legally independent bodies. In this way every member belongs to the Regional Chamber of his/her federal province and the relevant Trade Group, as well as the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and the relevant Trade Association.

Major decisions are reserved to the Association’s Federal Board (Bundesgremialausschuss) comprising 14 members who are elected for a 5 years term. The last elections took place in March 2020. A number of Working Groups on a variety of subjects exist on regional and federal level. 

Stand: 07.12.2022