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The Austrian Commercial Service & Trade Promotion Organisation

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In Austria, the role of promoting international trade, industrial cooperation and investment relations has been entrusted to the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich). The Austrian Chamber is based on the public law model and membership is mandatory. With 700,000 member companies, the Chamber is both a powerful and effective voice for Austrian business in the political and social arena and a provider of knowledge, advice and practical support tailored to the needs of individual companies.  

The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber operates with AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA / ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA  (the Foreign Trade Promotion Organisation of the Austrian Economy) as the most important commercial service provider and trade promotion organisation in the area of foreign trade and international trend-scouting. AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA / ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA , with its about 100 offices in over 70 countries, provides a broad range of intelligence and business development services for both Austrian companies and their international business partners.  

700 employees around the world can assist you in locating Austrian suppliers and business partners. We organize 850 events every year to bring business contacts together. Other services provided by ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA / AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA offices range from introductions to Austrian companies looking for importers, distributors or agents to providing in-depth information on Austria as a business location and assistance in entering the Austrian market. 

www.advantageaustria.org is the official web portal of the Austrian economy abroad. It showcases Austrian companies specialised in export and import and generates significant business opportunities. 

Be part of the official web portal of the Austrian economy abroad (in German language only)

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