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Funded energy consultancy for companies

Geförderte Energieberatung für Unternehmen

Lesedauer: 1 Minute


In economically turbulent times, it is particularly important to know about the cost structure of one’s company. Because everybody agrees on one thing: The operational costs including energy costs play a vital role.

How can you get a grip on rising energy costs?

It is worthwhile taking matters into your own hands: a lot can be done with minor investments; you can get a better grip on things through regular maintenance and fine-tuning. Small steps and intelligent solutions frequently have a great impact.

On the other hand, every investment has an influence on energy costs. The solution that seems the cheapest at first glance can turn out to be the most expensive one.

What can you do specifically?

Contact the energy consultancy office for companies in your federal state. It will arrange company energy experts with experience in your industry and provided funding for the consultancy work.

You can find more information on funding schemes and conditions here:

This information leaflet is a joint product of all Chambers of Commerce.

Note: Despite careful editing, no responsibility can be taken for the correctness of this information. Any liability of the Austrian Chambers of Commerce is excluded. The terms used for references to persons always apply to both genders!   


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