Rechtliche Infos Tätowierer
RAPEX Meldungen
Informationen für Tätowierer über gefährliche Inhaltsstoffe in Tattoofarben
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Aktuelle RAPEX-Meldungen des Bundesministeriums Arbeit, Soziales und Konsumentenschutz:
Tattoo ink / Tattoo needles
- "Radiant evolved bari green", Marke: Radiant Colors
- "Tattoo Ink White C.i.77491", Marke: Intenze
- "Platinum, Sunflower yellow", Marke: Dynamic
- "Platinum, Baby blue", Marke Dynamic
- "Platinum, Grey", Marke: Dynamic
- "Tattoo Ink Dark Blue 1 v2 Limitless", Marke: World Famous
- "Lavender Secret", Marke: linea Imperial, Kuro Sumi
- "Platinum Dinamic Brown", Marke: Dinamic
- "Bright Orange", Marke: World Famous Tattoo Ink Limitless
- "Jay Freestyle Turquoise", Marke: World Famous Tattoo Ink Limitless
- " Straight Green", Marke: World Famous Limitless
- "XTREME", Marke: Advanced Tattoo Ink
- "DARK BLUE 1V2", Marke: World Famous Tattoo Ink
- "LIMITLESS", Marke: World Famous Tattoo Ink
- "LIMITLESS, LIGHT GREEN 1V2", Marke: World Famous Tattoo ink
- "Maud professional", Marke: AMIEA
- "First Generation 5", Marke: I AM INK
- "Triple Black", Marke: Dynamic
- "Viking Baby Blue", Marke: Dynamic
- "Viking Grey", Marke: Dynamic
- "Dynamic Viking Sunflower yellow", Marke: Dynamic
- "Encre stérile - mélange pour le tatouage - Dynamic", Marke: Viking by Dynamic
- "Luxe Ready ASH", Marke: Perma Blend
- "Dynamic Viking Pure Red", Marke: Dynamic
- "Assphalt", Marke: Quantum
- "Viking by Dynamic", Marke: Viking by Dynamic
- "Imperial Fir Green", Marke: Kuro Sumi
- "Viking Ink Dynamic Forest Green", Marke: Dynamic
- "Dynamic Viking, Color Go, Dark Blue", Marke: Dynamic
- "Dynamic Viking, Color Go, Black Tribal", Marke: Dynamic
- "Dynamic Crimson Red", Marke: Dynamic
- "Dynamic Viking, Color Go, Purple", Marke: Dynamic
- "aghi", Marke: MEI-CHA
- "Csmcyh / csmc microblading pigment", Marke: unbekannt
- "Vbeauty Tattoo Ink True Black", Marke: unbekannt
- "Eternal ink darker gray wash", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Dynamic Viking Ink, Color Co.", Marke: Dynamic
- "Nude 2", Marke: is Academy Expert Series
- "Imperial Tattoo Ink Florentine Roof", Marke: Kuro Sumi
- "Kuro sumi colors tattoo ink Deep yellow", Marke: unbekannt
- "XLNT Brows Milano brown", Marke: unbekannt
- "Stigma True Black", Marke: unbekannt
- "Solong tattoo True black", Marke: unbekannt
- "Natural Pigment Brown Coffee", Marke: Y.X
- "Eternal Ink Deep Red", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Dark Brown Tattoo Ink", Marke: Dimension
- "Galaxy Ink Black", Marke: Galaxy ink
- "Natural Pigment Black Coffee", Marke: Y.X
- "Micro pigment gray", Marke: BioTouch
- "Bevaro Kola"; Marke: Bevaro
- "Doré 225 Burnt Sienna", Marke: Doré
- "Viking ink Dark Shadow", Marke: Viking
- "Blackish Brown", Marke: Perma Blend
- "Eternal Ink True Blue", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Deep Red", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Samuel O'Reilly Red", Marke: World Famous Tattoo Ink
- "Basic Black", Marke: Fusion Ink
- "Intenze Formula 23", Marke: Intenze Tattoo Ink
- "World Famous Tattoo Ink Warm Peach", Marke: World Famous Tattoo Ink
- "Light Green", Marke: Intenze
- "Dark Brown", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Shamrock", Marke: Fusion Ink
- "Mixing Yellow", Marke: Fusion Ink
- "Product for permanent makeup", Marke: Icolor
- "BLK", Marke: Dynamic
- "Product of permanent makeup", Marke: Icolor
- Typ: Traum Brown, Marke: Beauty by Honia
- "Mudslide", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Black Brown", Marke: XPMU
- "Honey Brown", Marke: FABbrows
- "Permablend", Marke: Tina Davies
- "Nocturnal", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Micropigment", Marke: Lushcolor
- "Matte Black", Marke: Solid Ink
- "Permablend", Marke: Tina Davies
- "Desert Sand Medium", Marke: Intenze, Advanced Tattoo Ink
- "Light Green", Marke: Intenze
- "Golden Yellow", Marke: Intenze
- "Black", Marke: Colour King
- "Orange", Marke: Colour King
- "All purpose black", Marke: Bloodline
- "BLK", Marke: Dynamic
- "True Black", Marke: Intenze
- "Lime Green", Marke: Intenze
- "Nuclear Green", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Mahoney Gangster Grey Dark and Lovely", Marke: Intenze
- "Bright Sunshine", Marke: Intenze
- "Hot Pink", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Caramel", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Terra di Siena", Marke: Intenze
- "Bronze", Marke: World Famous Tattoo Ink
- "Great Wall Yello", Marke: World Famous Tattoo Ink
- "Dubai Gold", Marke: World Famous Tattoo Ink
- "Black ink", Marke: Black Mamba
- "Blue Iris", Marke: Perma Blend, World Famous Tattoo Ink
- "Maroon Honey", Marke: Intenze
- "Banana Cream", Marke: Intenze
- "Sailor Jerry Red", Marke: World Famous Tattoo Ink
- "Green Beret", Marke: World Famous Tattoo Ink
- "Lining Red Light", Marke: Intenze
- "Lining Green", Marke: Intenze
- "Dark Brown", Marke: Intenze
- "Terra Di Siena", Marke: Intenze
- "Terrific Terracotta", Marke: Goldeneye Coloressense
- "Caramel", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Rosa - Hot Pink", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Brown", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Lipstick red", Marke: Eternal Link
- "Lightning Yellow", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Caramel", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Rosa - Hot Pink", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Brown", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Bright Sunshine", Marke: Intenze
- "Swamp Green", Marke: Intenze
- "Silver", Marke: Intenze
- "Pelle", Marke: Intenze
- "Grey Wash Dark", Marke: Intenze
- "Lime Green", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Graffiti Green", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Vegas Green", Marke: World Famous Tattoo Ink
- "Nuclear Green", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Dark Sumy", Marke: Panthera XP
- "Bright Red", Marke: Intenze
- "Bright Orange", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Orange", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Caramel", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Dark Brown", Marke: Intenze
- "Lining Black", Marke: Intenze
- "Black", Marke: Dynamic
- "Lightning Yellow", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Premium Tattoo Ink - Tomato is Red", Marke: unbekannt
- "Triple black", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Power Black", Marke: Fusion
- "True black", Marke: Intenze
- "Red Carpaccio", Marke: Lauro Paolini
- "Columbus Seafoam", Marke: World Famous
- "Aura Orange", Marke: Bullets
Tattoo or Permanent make-up ink
- "Etalon Mix 4 Brows", Marke: Albina Lazareva
- "Bright Pink E212 - S Pigment", Marke: Biotek
- "PERMA BLEND PRODUCTS", Marke: Perma Blend
- "Micro pigment cosmetic color", Marke: BioTouch
- "Pigment Color for Micropigmentation", Marke: Mastor
- "Tangerine", Marke: Biotek
- "Tattoo Fastness High-grade Colour", Marke: Tattoo Fastness High-grade Colour
- "Lining Black", Marke: Arcane Pigments / Alla Prima
- "Triple black", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "Lining Black", Marke: Intenze
- "Tattoo Outlining Ink", Marke: Kuro Sumi
- "Dimension Black", Marke: Intenze
- "Triple Black", Marke: Eternal Ink
- "#BB Best Black", Marke: Derma International
- "#9 Black", Marke: Derma International
- Name unbekannt, Marke: Alla Prima
- "Tattoo Specific Color - Black", Marke: unbekannt
- "BLK", Marke: Dynamic
- "black sumi", Marke: Intenze
- "Lining - Tribal - Tattoo ink", Marke: Kokkai Sumi Ink
Meldungen bis 2016
- Meldung 06.07.2016
- Meldung 05.04.2016
- Meldung 03.02.2016
- Meldung 30.11.2015
- Meldung 27.08.2015
- Meldung 14.01.2015
- Meldung 02.12.2014
- Meldung 30.09.2014
- Meldung 19.05.2014
- Meldung 25.02.2014
- Meldung 10.12.2013
- Tattoo Ink: "Sumi Black" - "Dragohawk Tatto" - "Classical Tattoo" - 4011 Light Brown"
- Tattoo Ink: Brand: Fantasia - Name: "Lining Black"
- Tattoo Ink: Brand: Fantasia - Name: "Flesh Tone"
- Tattoo Ink: Produkte: "Black TM", "Eternal Ink" und "Ri-soft Colors"
- Tattoo Ink: Produkte: "Violet rouge D 51 F", "3814 A Jungle green tattoo", "Baby blue" und "Intenze"
- Tattoo Ink: Produkte: "Kuro Sumi Tattoo Outlining Ink" und "Dragonhawk Tattoo"
- Chemical products - Tatto Ink: "Intenze Zuper Black", "Zuper black tattoo colour und "Zuper Black"
- Tattoo Ink - 03.12.2012
- Marke / Marke: Tattoo ink / "Golden Yellow" und "Mint Green"
- Produkt: "Smoke of London X2" - Marke: YAKUZA INK
- Lieferliste zu RAPEX 2012
- Produkt: "Intenze Ink Lining Black" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Intenze Coral" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Intenze Dijon" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Intenze Dragon Yellow" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Intenze Egg Shell" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Intenze Lemon Yellow" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Intenze Maroon" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Intenze Maroon Honey" -Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Intenze Mustard" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Intenze Persian Red" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Intenze Rubber Doll" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Intenze Salmon" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Intenze Sangria" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Intenze Sunburn" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Intenze Yellow Orchid" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Intenze Light Brown" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Intenze Golden Rod" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Maroon" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Lemon Yellow" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Ink Lining Black" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Egg Shell" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Dragon Yellow" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Dijon" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Coral" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Yellow Orchid" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Sunburn" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Sangria" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Salmon" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Rubber Doll" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Persian Red" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Mustard" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Maroon Honey" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Light Brown" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Golden Rod" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Tribal Black" - Marke: Fantasia
- Produkt: "Bright Red" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Bright Orange" - Marke: Intenze
- Produkt: "Banana Cream" - Marke: Intenze
- Lieferliste PAK-Tattoofarben 2011
- RAPEX Lieferliste 2012
- Produkte: "Intenze True Black", "Zuper Black", "Intenze Lightning Black" und "Intenze Super Black"
- Produkte: "Makkuro Sumi Intense Black" und "Intenze True Black"
- Produkte: "Millenium Mom´s Viper Red" und "Millenium Mom´s Snot Green"
- Produkt: "Intenze Medium Brown"
- Tattoofarben 2011