Pfandbriefforum - English
Notes and legal notice
Informationen on pfandbriefforum.at
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Legal notice
- All content made available on the website www.pfandbriefforum.at is intended solely for general information on Pfandbriefe and Covered Bonds.
- The information available on this website does not constitute an offer to purchase certain financial instruments (such as Pfandbriefe, Covered Bonds, etc.) or an invitation to purchase such financial instruments.
- The Pfandbrief & Covered Bond Forum Austria reserves the right to change, supplement or remove the information provided on this website at any time without prior notice.
- The operator(s) of the linked websites is/are solely responsible for the content of the links to other websites provided on www.pfandbriefforum.at . With the exception of the cases regulated in § 17 of the Austrian E-Commerce Act, the Pfandbrief & Covered Bond Forum Austria accepts no liability whatsoever for the content of the websites or URLs of other operators linked to this website.